Sunday, October 24, 2010

Continuous Tremors Shake Indian Village

Continuous Tremors Shake Indian Village
NTDTV October 06, 2010 764 views
Continuous tremors in one western Indian village have left the villagers shaken and unwilling to stay in their homes. The tremors have been happening for more than two weeks.Earthquake tremors have been shaking the village of Jalandhar in India's western state of Gujarat for more than two weeks.The ground isn't the only thing that's been shaken -- scared by the tremors, the villagers have moved out of their homes.

[Ashok Dave, Jalandhar Village Resident]:
"From yesterday, the frequency of tremors has increased again. We hear loud noises. The magnitude of the earthquake is about three to four on the Richter scale. The tremors were felt for the whole day yesterday, and the village has been destroyed."
Officials say they've trained villagers what to do in case a powerful earthquake does occur.

[Ashirvad Parmar, District Collector of Junagadh]:
"We have made earthquake resistant buildings in the village. We have also provided essential training in advance to the villagers, so that they are aware of all the precautionary measures that can be taken to minimize damage if the earthquake hits the village. We have provided all the information to the villagers and have also appointed an administration for it."
Gujarat was hit twice by earthquakes in September -- a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in Patan District and a 2.8 earthquake in Jamnagar District.

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