Sunday, October 24, 2010

Heavy Rains Cause Flooding in Gujarat, India

Heavy Rains Cause Flooding in Gujarat, India
From: ANI August 05, 2010 242 views

Heavy downpours are also causing flooding in India's Gujarat state. In one village, locals are struggling to cope with the rising waters.Incessant rains caused flooding in Indrana village in India's Gujarat state on Monday, bringing normal life to a standstill as water seeps into residential areas.

[Abdulbhai, Indrana Village Head]:

"All the mud houses in our village have broken down. Till now also, many areas are submerged in floodwater."Villagers say they're frustrated that officials have not visited the area.

[Mukesh Makwana, Indrana Village Resident]:

"All the villages are submerged in water. The situation was so bad that we complained to the collector and councilor but nobody has come here to help us."The heavy downpours have raised the water levels of the nearby rivers.While a good monsoon is important to India's agriculture, heavy rains and runoff also leads to floods and outbreaks of diseases.The monsoon this year has caused heavy floods in parts of India, causing heavy devastation to life and property.

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